TV Interview, WYOU-TV, November 19, 2007

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chapter 23 - Part 1: Further Demystification

When the world is threatened or already in the throes of cosmic catastrophe, the unified, focused prayer of the mass of God’s followers, even the whole of humanity, can release emanations of energy capable of deflecting that force of disorder. Jesus has assured us that such a feat, supernatural in origin, is possible and may be found in the Gospels. In Matthew 21:18-22 we read,

As He was returning to the city in the early morning, He felt hungry. Seeing a fig tree by the road, He went up to it and saw nothing on it but leaves. And He said to it, “May you never bear fruit again,” and at that instant the fig tree withered. The disciples were amazed when they saw it. “What happened to the fig tree?” they said, “That it withered there and then?” Jesus answered, “I tell you solemnly, if you have faith and do not doubt at all, not only will you do what I have done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, “Get up and throw yourself into the sea, it will be done. And if you have faith everything you ask for in prayer you will receive.”

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