TV Interview, WYOU-TV, November 19, 2007

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chapter 18: The Journey Progresses

The position of the world in the universe must and can be saved! Each and every individual on the face of the Earth has a duty to the cosmos. We are responsible and accountable for our position, our allotment of space in the universe, in God. However, when any one of us encounters such a concept, particularly in regard to the enormity of the universe, we are inclined to scoff, to ask, “What, me so important? My existence could have an effect upon the order of the universe? No, impossible! That just cannot be!”

Yet, for the sake of argument, when we consider how the activity or inactivity of a single cell in the human body can contribute to either the health or demise of that whole body, we are then able to see that each of us is like a cell in the body of the universe, and as such we can and do have an effect upon the whole universe, the whole Body of God.

Negative and positive forces are dominant factors in the Earth’s gravitational pull. These magnetic factors affect the Earth’s position, its orbital pattern in the universe.

Could these negative and positive forces, essential for maintaining the Earth’s proper orbital pattern, be one day influenced by individuals who make up the Earth’s population, its mass?

Man has been presented with a means, a call to love, by and through which he can bring about and maintain a state of order within himself. His positive response to that call to love promotes order in his personal life, which does have an effect on the space he occupies in the world, the universe, the Body of God. The negative force of evil, opposed to the call to love, promotes disorder and ultimately upheaval, disintegration.

My Lord and my God, such glorious moments are mine with You! In silence and solitude, where You are met, the air, the space, is charged with fullness. Though silent encounter meets me, the perception of You is heavy. No ears are needed to hear nor are eyes needed to see; I have only to feel Your Presence within me. Lord, in these encounters time is washed away; there is only You, Alpha and Omega. My soul is made rapt in communion with You.

O Lord God, if only the beauty and love in this world would surpass and overcome evil, we would then be worthier of Your fond gaze and delightful desire! Many in this world are asleep, but there are others who have been awakened by Love, by Your Son Jesus.

O God, I shudder and my soul quakes even at the thought of a world without knowledge of You! In such a world, I would succumb to despair. Life would hold no meaning: it would not be worth living.

Linger on, my Lord, my Love, You who are all Love.

In the process of transformation, it is necessary for humankind to become diffusers of love. The degree of Jesus’ diffusion is total and divine. He told us that He is the Way to the Father. Consequently, we are to go to the Father by following the Way Jesus has shown us, the Way of Love. Through God’s grace, the degree of diffusion we partake in is determined by us and our willingness to love God and one another. God is Love. To be united in the Positive Good Force of God, we must love in order to ultimately become Love.

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