TV Interview, WYOU-TV, November 19, 2007

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chapter 17: God Plants the Seed: Catastrophe

Take yourselves for instance, brothers, at the time when you were called; how many of you were wise in the ordinary sense of the word, how many were influential people, or came from noble families? No, it was to shame the wise that God chose what is foolish by human reckoning, and to shame what is strong that He chose what is weak by human reckoning; those whom the world thinks common and contemptible are the ones that God has chosen (1 Cor. 1:26-28).

Lord, I am certain those words have been a source of inspiration to your people for more than two thousand years. Today they have been especially meaningful for me. It seems something of importance is emerging in my writing, and it appears that I have been fearful of not being able to grasp it. Or perhaps I have sensed an inadequacy in my ability to pursue its meaning. But now, by way of that reading of scripture, I can see that it is necessary I set aside my sense of unworthiness, for there is no doubt that it can interfere with the work You have called me to do. Instead I now experience a sense of bravery, fortified by the positive knowledge that I am in touch with You, and You, Lord, will enable me to carry on.

This intuitive knowing has given me a storehouse of confidence, the likes of which led David to slay Goliath. This confidence has taken over my being and is serving to push me out of my own way, thus allowing me to cooperate with the Holy Spirit and get on with doing Your work.

For a moment let us see the world as a room which is ever in a situation of unrest and disorder. Throughout the ages, by way of the sword, attempts have been made to bring about and maintain a condition of peace within that room, but it has not happened. A state of peace can and will be achieved only when humanity as a whole has turned to God, and as a result, is filled with peace and power.

Even among separated believers, a state of peace in the room that is the world can occur when they are divested of everything that caused their dissension and resulting separation. It will be necessary for them to focus upon and become united in what they hold in common, which is their love for and belief in the One True God. For a moment, let us entertain the thought that, when all of humanity joins together in prayer and giving praise to God, Who is God of All, just imagine the peace and power which could exist in the world! If we could set aside our differences, peace would prevail and chaos would be eliminated.

Further, when a state of peace exists on Earth, this will have a positive effect on Earth’s place in the universe. A peace filled humanity will constitute a peace filled world, which can work toward stabilization and harmony in the universe. God’s People joined together in and through His Holy Spirit make up His Good Force at work in the world, and would be capable of this blessed achievement.

At times the need for me to write is overwhelming; I have come to realize that those moments are special times of attunement with the Lord, and there is always a longing within me for the unique fulfillment those quiet times of listening afford. These moments of harmony result in instances of delicate sweetness, and serve to reveal to me the love our God and Creator has for us.

In this care-ridden world, such moments with God are sorely needed by all of mankind; they are able to sustain, fulfill and enwrap us in Him for a time and then succeed in ever beckoning us on to rendezvous. Yet such moments are not easily come by; it is necessary we detach ourselves from worldly things, both joys and burdens together. Hence attainment may be had only in fleeting moments.

1 Cor. 2:10-12:
These are the very things that God has revealed to us through the Spirit, for the Spirit reaches the depths of everything, even the depths of God. After all, the depths of man can only be known by his own spirit, not by any other man, and in the same way the depths of God can only be known by the Spirit of God. Now instead of the spirit of the world, we have received the Spirit that comes from God, to teach us to understand the gifts He has given to us.

Yes, through Jesus we are truly in union with the Spirit of God. Our physical bodies, by virtue of God’s Spirit within us, can be viewed as channels with a direct line to Him. We can be put in touch with His power, and also His grace and gifts can be ours; our reception of the same relies upon God’s will and our faith. We are to harbor no doubts, for they can and do act as barriers to God’s power.

Father God, Creator, Your display of love for us is never ending. Just as those beautiful daffodils respond to the sun and become gloriously alive, we too in our response to Jesus have become alive in being awakened to Your reality, in having been put in touch with Your love and power. Jesus has been our link into that quiet, unseen realm of spirit, the realm of You. Oh, that one day we will become transformed, able to engage in that glorious state You hold out to us for all eternity! Yes, Father, thanks to You, for nearly two thousand years the hope of mankind has been rooted in the words “Come, Lord Jesus.”

Imagine the tremendous power to be released when the whole of humanity, in a world-wide effort, engages in prayer–that is heartfelt, focused prayer, coming from the very depths of our souls. When that prayer is directed to the Lord, it will be energized and blessed by Him. The very thought of its potential power is staggering!

Father God, thank You for this moment of solitude when I am able to focus intently upon You. With the exception of what Jesus has told us, we are met with great mystery where You are concerned. Yet, as you reminded me many months ago, that is just the way it has to be; we who are a part of You are unable to totally understand the Whole You, Who has created us and in Whom we occupy space. After all, our minds are able to grasp only so much, certainly not the Whole of You of Whom we are a part.

Right now, Lord, I am particularly interested in Your activity in my life. You have led me to write, yet I find myself writing of matters beyond my understanding. For some months I have written about concerns of cosmic importance, most of which are so far beyond my storehouse of knowledge that, Lord, it is necessary You help me to see what You want me to see.

I can only conclude that love is the solution. For order to prevail in our personal lives, it is necessary that love and concern for others be the basis of our every action. The lack or presence of love has an effect upon and within the space we occupy in the world and does perpetuate an effect in the universe.

Every law God has given us is rooted in His call to love Him and one another. Through experience we come to know that obedience to God’s law does promote order in our lives, yet how long will it take the whole of humanity to recognize that our transformation through loving is of great importance? Its result benefits us in this life and will affect our eternal existence. Through simple observation, we can clearly see God’s wisdom in His call to love. When true love for God and one another is present, peace and not disorder prevails. Further, in adhering to His call to love, we may catch a glimpse of His glory. When love, the light and power of Jesus within one of us is activated, it meets and fuses with the same light and power emanating from another of His followers and becomes greater light and power. Consequently this brightness of God could spread out across the world and the universe.

Each individual emanation does contribute to a state of order in the space that person occupies in the world, and that love does have an effect on the universe, whose mass makes up the Body of God. Hence, if all those filled with love would unite, their power would overcome the disintegration which is the result of disorder, and it will not prevail. God calls for the unity of all humans filled with love, for all segments of good to band together for the common good of all.

Generations of men have erred. In seeing themselves as an end in itself, they had placed all their importance on their earthly lives. Instead there is need for all of us to view ourselves as an ongoing, never-ending chain of becoming like Him in Whose image we are created.

There is need and purpose for our lives. If this were not so, we quite simply would not be; we would not exist. God desires a peaceful, orderly union of Himself, of Whom we are a part. Each man’s lifetime, through God’s grace, determines his position in his allotted portion in God. God has passed on to man the law of love, the method and means for the status of peace which promotes order. Hence, for consideration on a universal level, since love results in order while evil promotes havoc and discordance, it is of the utmost importance to humankind that love dominate its masses. A love filled, transformed people will survive, whereas the contrary is indicated for a humankind which has not adhered to the directives of its Creator.

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